Monday, July 7, 2008

'Nuff Said

One picture worth at least 500 words

2nd picture, a close up, worth the next 500.

Farmer's Note:

Okay. I guess pictures aren't enough and a bit of explanation is necessary for Zonkster pals and others.

We do know the importance of our prey animals. All the gods know how I wish I had more king snakes, more bull snakes, more coachwhips, more coyotes, more hawks and falcons. I have to draw the line at snakes that will kill my animals, my family, my friends and me. In a much much earlier post I go into some detail about the effects of having put 1/4 inch wire mesh around the entire horse facility in order to discourage the rattlesnakes. The coachwhips can zip over that stuff like it wasn't there and they're welcome in my barn and pastures. We keep our mouse population under control with traps. My barn dog keeps the squirrels and rabbits out of the barn and pastures quite handily. None of the snakes kill the adult rabbits and only prey on the very small young ones. The snakes can eat the squirrels and I wish more non-lethal snakes were here to do so. It's never with "glee" that we dispatch a rattler so we work more to discourage their presence. When we're forced to, however, we do without hesitation and that's just how it's gotta be.

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